Johannes – Bachata Instructor

With an impassioned heart for the art of dance and a specialty in Bachata, I have spent years perfecting my skills and sharing my knowledge throughout Austria and Germany. My journey has led me to grace the stages of numerous festivals, imprinting my flair in different cities. A testament to my expertise, I've clinched the 1st place in a Social Dancing competition in Munich, and proudly stood second in Vienna's Bachata Experience.

I've also shown my prowess at the Berlin Xplosion Festival, making it to the semifinals and finishing 4th among a vibrant pool of 100 participants. My approach to teaching is centered on sparking creativity in my students. I've developed unique methods that encourage dancers to invent their own moves and truly express themselves while learning the art of Bachata.

My ultimate goal is not only to impart dance skills but to inspire every learner to embrace their creativity, rhythm, and passion, one Bachata step at a time. Dance with me and let's embark on a mesmerizing journey of music, motion, and magic!